10 Subtle Signs Someone’s Lying To You

Photo by MDV Edwards from Shutterstock

10. They dodge a direct answer

A simple question like “What time did you leave work yesterday?” should have a simple response: 5 p.m. However, if the person comes up with an answer like, “What do you mean? I went home at the same hour I do every day,” pay attention.

If someone refuses to give an answer or turns an inquiry around on your question, that’s a red flag that they’re lying to you. Basically, when a person does that, they’re trying to draw your attention off of themselves so they won’t give you a truthful answer.


You don’t have to own a lie detector or be a detective to spot a liar. However, while the signs listed above can help you know when someone may be lying, keep in mind that it’s harder to catch someone in a lie if you don’t really know that person. On the other side, if you’re familiar with someone’s behavior and speech pattern, it’s easier to tell when they’re lying.

You may also want to read 10 Most Common Lies Cheating Men Will Say.

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