Are You Being Brainwashed? Here Are 9 Alarming Signs!

Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

Us Against The World
In order to break someone down and reshape them in a new image, a different way of life must be presented that’s far more appealing than their present situation.

This is typically accomplished by the victim only mixing with the person they’re in a relationship with and will, therefore, praise the new way of living.

Or it could be that you dress a certain way, have a set diet or some other strict rules that encourage a dynamic where it’s just you and the other person. There’s evidence suggesting that humans are tribal by nature and wish to be part of a group.

The brainwasher needs to convince their victim that they’re in charge and they know best. A victim could also be given a different name. A perfect example is the case of Patty Hearst.

She was kidnapped and later renamed Tania by her captors, who ultimately, after being brainwashed, took the side of her kidnappers.

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