Evil but Common Things Narcissists Do After a Breakup

things narcissists do after a breakup
Photo by simona pilolla 2 from Shutterstock

They will do their best to convince you you’ve made a mistake

A relationship with a narcissist can be so overwhelming and complicated that many individuals experience trauma for months after the breakup. Trust issues, feelings of unworthiness, and persistent sadness are just a few of the things that will linger after the relationship ends.

If you were the one who decided to end it, most probably the narcissist will try to make you come back by saying you made a mistake and things can be good again between you two. To regain control of the relationship, they use charm, extortion, persuasion, and finally intimidation, agitation, and open provocation.

Don’t fall into their trap because this is manipulation. According to various psychological studies, a narcissistic partner would never love their partners on a true and vulnerable level, two things that are crucial for a healthy relationship.

Tell others a completely different version of the story

That’s huge and is their way to protect their image in front of the others while spoiling yours. Expect them to tell everyone a different version of your breakup, and most probably they will say they ended it. Appearances matter to them, and one thing they dislike the most is being seen by others as vulnerable or sad.




One Response

  1. I believe I am involved with a narcissist. I have also been in love with them for 25+yrs. I know that they are a narcissist but I can’t get them out of my heart. We were separated for 2yrs with no contact but I never stopped loving them. I’m pretty sure I’m going to die loving them. I’m 68yrs old.

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